Let’s shift the months according the the hydrological year:

Seasonality Index, Walsh and Lawler (1981)

Source: leddris.aegean.gr

$R=$ mean annual precipitation
$m_i=$ precipitation mean for month $i$

SI=1Rn=1n=12miR12SI = \displaystyle \frac{1}{R} \sum_{n=1}^{n=12} \left| m_i - \frac{R}{12} \right|
$SI$ Precipitation Regime
<0.19 Precipitation spread throughout the year
0.20-0.39 Precipitation spread throughout the year, but with a definite wetter season
0.40-0.59 Rather seasonal with a short dry season
0.60-0.79 Seasonal
0.80-0.99 Marked seasonal with a long dry season
1.00-1.19 Most precipitation in <3 months

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